Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Piano and Violin camera shots

This evening I plan to film the scenes with the piano and the violin in, this will be done and may take a while to get the angles and lighting I need to pull off the effect I want.
I have looked at some videos on youtube of music videos which have included pianos in the music videos like a couple of Adele's, and various other videos.
For example I like some of the angles and shots used to capture the piano in Birdy - Skinny Love

Monday, 30 January 2012

Digipak Plan

Here is the first plan for my digipak, and this means that once I have the photos I need I can create it.

Here were the focus groups feedback:
  • Like the layout and the link between the front and back cover,
  • Maybe have a photo of the artist on stage as well rather than just the nature as it seems quite repetitive and would be good to mix it up a bit,
  • Make sure that it will still be clear for the artists name to be clearly visible.

Crew List

For my music video you need a crew list and this is just a list of the people you need to help out in your production.
I plan to have the following crew;
  • Main Artist - Nick Seccombe,
  • Violinist,
  • Pianist
This is all the people I think I will need as I will be the one filming and editing.

Props List

A props list is a list of the equipment you will need to add to the mise en scene of the video. These are the following things I think I need;
  • A grey coat, (for the artist to wear in the outdoor scenes),
  • A stage, (live performance),
  • Microphone, (live performance),
  • Piano and violin, (for performance on stage)

Originally these are the props I will need but I am sure as it is being filmed bits will be added in to it.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Advert analysis of digipaks

I have analysised 2 adverts for music digipaks.

Ministry of Sound - The annual 2011

The advert starts off with a popular sound with a definate base line to it and the colours in the background being vibrant colours which represents the music on the CD. While the different clips of music from different tracks is being played there is someone talking over the top creating a voice over and telling you the relevant important facts. He talks about the CD facts, artists on it, the number of tracks, and who it is created.
This is very important as this is the only things the audience need to know is told to you. Throughout the video there are the bright colours and the dance music soundtracks, which resembles a nightclub where this music would be played.

Green Day - American Idiot

This advert is an album created by Green Day called American Idiot. On this advert they have done what most advertising companies do which is largely include the album art onto the adverts, and in this case the album cover  is enlarged to fill the page. The advert is simple showing only a small picture and the title. The picture shows a grenade in the shape of a heart and this means that the Iconic sign is that love is not going well and blowing apart.
Also on this album only shows two colours the powerful red and the white, with a solid black background making the other colours stand out clearly.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Adverts for digipaks

Companies advertise for music singles to promote them and increase their sales. This means that the adverts may be video clips only briefly shown in between music chart shows on the music channels and will not have long to give a powerful impact on the audience. This is similar to the posters because people walking past wont have time to fully study it so need to be given the information quickly.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Digipak Analysis 2

This CD digipak is different to the one below as the digipak shows the artist. This is because there is only one artist on the CD rather than various artists. This has the advantage of being able to be more personal with the artist and shows you more pictures.
The digipak shows shows three clear pictures on the front cover and the inside sleeves. The album title is clearly displayed in the corner and is clear for the audience to see.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Digipak Analysis

Ministry Of Sound
This CD is a dance album and on this casing it shows vibrant and fluorescent colours. This is strongly linked to the type of music, as this type of music is often played in clubs, and the lighting they use in the clubs is often bright colours so linking to the music genre closely.
The image on the front page is of a speaker with a crown on top almost signifying that they are the king of music, and it shows a powerful clear image.


A digipak is the casing in which a CD comes in. It is important to have a powerful digipak which the audience would like as this is what they see when going to buy a CD, so it is important that you still follow the forms and conventions of your music genre.
The Resistance

Biffy Clyro
Only Revolutions

Both of these CD have the important information on the front like the Artist/Band Name, and the name of the albumn.

When creating a digipak though you need to create more than just the front cover you have to create the back cover, and also the art for the inside cover and whats going behind where the CD will be placed.

Here on this Albumn you see that the CD has a good clear photo in the background
and flows across both pages.