Thursday 20 October 2011

Bluestone 360

Today I visited Bluestone 360. Bluestone 360 is a advertising company who make adverts for Gregory's, Plymouth Argyle Football Club, Danepak and many more. I visited them today to see what Ian Gullingham the director there thought of my storyboard from an industry side.
He said that my storyboard wasn't detailed enough for industry. If a film director picked up your storyboard then he should be able to work out what happens in the video without having to read the caption. With the drawing you should include colour as it helps whoever is looking at your storyboard interpret it. The colour is very important to show the mood of the scene and it is vital to include colours, when you change the background colour this can easily change the overall mood of the scene.
As a company making storyboard for adverts and designing things he said that you cannot over do your storyboard as it is the bones to your video. Before he said he has done 50 drawings to make sure he is happy. He also said when choosing an illustrator for and advert that everyone has there own individual style and its important to show that.
I said that when I am making my storyboard that I am not very good at drawing so he recommended writing out the story and what I want to have in it and then draw the pictures, they don't have to be amazing just clear enough to the person reading who may never have seen it before knows whats happening.

He also mentioned that my storyboard captions must be much more detailed for an industry and have a lot more micro details in there. For example on the first scene in my storyboard is that a modern building, old building, what is the lighting like bright middle of the day or dark at night time, what is the weather doing.
He said that something he uses is finishing the video first. So make sure you know what your ending is going to be like first as this is the last thing that people are going to see and this will be the way they feel after viewing it so having the ending sorted can make people feel happy, sad etc.
He told me at the end to be creative because its the creative people with the unique style that get recognised and the people who stay in the crowd are the same. It is very important to draw or write down what you want to happen and show your own style rather than just follow the crowd.

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