Monday, 19 September 2011

Analysis of Music Videos

Today in media we analysed different music videos,

Dappy - No Regrets

In this music video there is two storylines running. You have Dappy singing and you also have the lady and mans relationship shown in clips throughout and in one clip it shows Dappy singing with the lady in the background combining the two storylines.
The main effect between clips in this video is the fade. Dappy uses fade alot in this video which is an effective way of combining the two story lines. In this music video we see how Dappy Has used Goodwin's theory of intertexual reference to other artists or  other music videos. In this music video he talks about Chris Brown.

One Direction - What Makes you Beautiful

In this video One Direction use the typical clip of a female flicking there hair or a close up of them. In this video there is only one main storyline which is the band singing, and there is a sideline story of the people with the girls. Also in this video they tend to use the fade as well as the plane cut. Laura Mulvey's theory is used in this music video when talking about the girl she appears sort of faded out in the video. 

Coldplay - Every Teardrop is a Waterfall

In the opening clip of this music video you have the main singer singing with the words appearing on the surrounding areas. This is really effective using stop motion filming to enhance this. The stop motion is using Goodwin's theory and shows how the visuals are linked with the music and words. I thought this was a good way to incorporate the lyrics.

Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love

In this video there is two story lines. You have the break up between two people and you also have her singing. The lyrics are linked with the song. This proves Goodwin's  theory of the relationship between the visuals and the music.  In this music video she talks about love falling apart and in other clips we see people falling out and upset.

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