Sunday, 18 September 2011

Filming Practise

Today I went to my uncles farm and practising filming the landscapes and other things on the farm to improve my filming of camera angles and experiment using different shots.

One main upset was the weather as there were frequent heavy showers. Other than this I managed to get quite a bit of filming done practising my filming.

Analysis of my video clips,

Clip 1.

The farm lane. In this clip i wanted to get the feeling as if you were physically moving down the lane so tried walking with the camera but found this was too jumpy so then put the camera on the tripod and used the zoom. This was really ineffective and looking later and saw that you can use tracking dolly's to film such effects. I will consider this possibility for my actual music video.

Clip 2
This is a landscape shot. In this clip we see the hills in the background. If I was going to do this again I would use the tripod and think of a way of running the pan smoothly and a decent pace as I feel that I moved the camera too fast and didn't emphasise the point I wanted.

Clip 3

In this clip the camera was too zoomed in and has made the objects i wanted too blurry giving it a distorted effect. This maybe a good thing to include in my video but not the effect I wanted to gain.

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